Investors This Time To Buy Ripple Coin Rate Will Increase Soon

 Hello investors and welcome back to the channel now a major ripple partner sbi has actually given a six figure us dollar sum to asus crypto bank now also in this video we are going to look at the current rise in the price of xrp we had previously seen a fall or rather a big tumble in the past two days in the price of xrp but now the dip has been reached and we are seeing an uptrend in the price of xrp we are going to talk also more on that in so stick around until the end now if you're new to the channel please do consider subscribing because we'll be bringing you daily xrp news updates and xrp price predictions but not only that we'll also be bringing you daily crypto news updates and crypto price analysis news that will actually help you in the valuation and analysis of your crypto currencies now since that is out of the way let's get into the news uh as it was reported uh sbi digital asset holdings which is actually a subsidiary of ripple's partner in japan sbi holdings has actually invested an undisclosed amount but we are presuming or it is said that it is a six-figure us dollar amount and they actually are investing this money into crypto bank signage um senum that is actually located in switzerland i hope i mentioned this bank name correctly but it's uh um but of course the investment was announced on february 18 and it was part of the attempts by the crypto bank to actually raise funds and uh for that reason it has been able to uh raise in a an amount around 30 million u.s dollars just over the past uh six months now uh the present amount of u.s dollars that has been received from the sbi giant has not been disclosed but the crypto bank now calls the company a trusted shareholder and a strategic partner and uh these were what that was said by cenom ceo mr martius embassy of course in october of last year sbi launched a venture fund in cooperation with senum so this is not the first time they have worked together and uh of course the swiss crypto bank plans to utilize investment from the japanese financial giant and the aim is to fund its expansion in asia and europe now this crypto company was the first to get a license and start operating in singapore and it works with private qualified investors and financial institutions and also now holds more than half a billion us dollars in managed asset and of course our cnn plans to also improve the quality of its products and services and now the company plans to also commercialize its tokenized platform and also enlarge the scale of its services as a crypto custodian so this bank is actually huge and it has lots and lots of plans in the future for the crypto market and sbi would really ha enjoy this partnership because the future is looking bright between them now since uh that is done let's get into the price of xrp uh we seem to be seeing an uptrend and a bounce back in the price of xrp uh currently the price is 49 cents we are we are up 13.3 in the past 24 hours uh but we are down 8.93 in the day now of course if we all remember uh the price of xrp had reached a low of as much as 40 uh 40 44 past two days because they saw a very huge tumble in the price but uh today we have started seeing an uptrend and uh just uh two hours ago the price had only increased six percent but as as i'm speaking right now the price is up thirteen point zero six or point one one percent now the 24-hour trading volume of xrp has reached 10 billion and our 10.27 billion us dollars and xrp is up 10.59 percent in the last 24 hours when it comes to trading volume and uh of course the current uh ranking in the coin market cap website the current ranking of xrp is number seven and it has a market cap of more than 22.3 billion us dollars and it has a circulating supply of more than 45 billion us dollars coins and uh the maximum supply of xrp is expected to be 100 billion us dollars so we are halfway to the maximum supply of xrp and uh yeah that is what i have for you concerning xrp the price is bouncing back i will be giving you updates of what to expect what should be the uh support level and the resistance level for the days to come so stick around for more of those videos and yeah thank you very much for watching until the next one bye you.


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